

Happy holidays! I'm home enjoying a relaxing break, and it was my turn to do the family Christmas card this year, so here it is, Santa in his workshop.


TeaShop logo rough

Here's a logo for a workshop seiries I'm working on, involving narrative art and tea, two of the finest things. More to follow in a few weeks! (the scratchy stuff is just a placeholder, it will be an inkwell, pen, and teacup, or something of the sort.)
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folk costume sketch

A quick costume doodle. Posted by Picasa


studio of will

I've been busy and I have a paper to write now, then I'm heading home, so I won't be posting anything for a while either, sorry for the lull, but here are some pics of my room, as much as for my future memories as anything else! I've got a nice little work table, with a well-stocked but not unwieldy bookcase, and my computer setup, across the room, so I can just spin around and around all day.

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Agust Black

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Aubade Charmeuse

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doctor olged fipps

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Here is another. as an aside, people liked these a lot in crit, so much that they said nothing critical, (witch kind of totally defeats the purpos of a "crit".) I guess it made me feel good about myself, there must be something to be said for that, but I can never refuse a real critisisim, so if anyone has any constructive ideas about these don't be affraid to say them! Let me know what is wrong, badly handled, etc. Posted by Picasa

Here is the first image I mentioned from my last post.
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I have not posted in forever but I have not been idle! I have been working on a final project for a character class, wich I am excited about, but I don't want to post any images until my presentation, so here is a preparatory sketch from the project: Posted by Picasa