
farewell - colored

unfinshed drawing

For fun I thought I would post this before it is done and after, because I think it looks kind nice as it is.

I started this drawing this evening, and it is not finished, but I thought it might be interesting to see it in two states, I will post the finished version tomarrow.


some character sketches from today



Back from holiday today, here is a photoshop drawing to get back into shape.



Here is a mask I just finished, paper mache, and the hair is sheepskin.

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Out of Picture

I just picked up Out of Picture, a fantastic set of stories by some folks from Blue Sky animation, these are illustrators comics, really lavish light, texture, color, generally excellent painting, yet told in a comic format and bound in a nice hardbound binding. It shows that comics don't have to be cheap and fast, and really highlights the artistic potential of the medium. I think it's a must read. Sorry for the bad photos, I just took them with my camera in low light, you'll have to buy the book!

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two charchol drawings
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tuesday drawings

Two pencil drawings from today, both a little askew, the first 10m in graphite, the second 40m in prismacolor. Posted by Picasa


Illustration Friday-Smoke

My first thought of smoke for Illustration Friday, really quick, because I have lots of homework, so try to forgive the shoddiness. Posted by Picasa


A photoshop sketch Posted by Picasa


A charchol drawing I did today, vine charchol is really great, I had a great class about it today, and I feel that I have misused it in the past, or not taken advantage of it's unique virtues at least. wonderful, if dirty, stuff. Posted by Picasa