studio of will
I've been busy and I have a paper to write now, then I'm heading home, so I won't be posting anything for a while either, sorry for the lull, but here are some pics of my room, as much as for my future memories as anything else! I've got a nice little work table, with a well-stocked but not unwieldy bookcase, and my computer setup, across the room, so I can just spin around and around all day.
Here is another. as an aside, people liked these a lot in crit, so much that they said nothing critical, (witch kind of totally defeats the purpos of a "crit".) I guess it made me feel good about myself, there must be something to be said for that, but I can never refuse a real critisisim, so if anyone has any constructive ideas about these don't be affraid to say them! Let me know what is wrong, badly handled, etc.